"But hit the singularity you must. You don't get a choice. Within the event horizon, nothing can stay still. You are forever compelled to move. And the singularity lies in all your possible futures."
What's inside a black hole? (from Sky and Telescope)
"If it were a stellar-mass black hole, you’d be dead before you passed the event horizon. That’s because, if you think of a black hole as a pit, a stellar-mass black hole has steeper sides than a supermassive black hole. The tidal forces become too strong too fast for you to survive to the event horizon, resulting in your spaghettification (yes, that’s the technical term)."
Could dark matter be black holes?
"One contender making a comeback is primordial black holes. These objects might have been born in the earliest age of the universe, back when the cosmos was nothing but a hot plasmatic soup — mostly radiation, in fact. This radiation-rich plasma wasn’t uniform; its density fluctuated from patch to patch. If a patch were excessively dense compared to its surroundings, then it would naturally collapse and create a black hole, a primordial relic from long before the first star shone. If enough of these black holes were forged, the thinking goes, they could provide the invisible mass that forms the substrate of galaxies, galaxy clusters, and the cosmic web."